The picture on the left is from family weekend. The Udelhoven's, my mom and dad and my roommates parents all came to our house for a large family dinner. We had a great time that weekend!
As some of you might know I do have a girlfriend. Her name is Kelli and she is Omaha. At the beginning of October I went to her informal for her sorority. It was a great time!
The last picture I am going to post is of our house on a beautiful fall day in October. It has still been incredibly warm this fall in Maryville. Last year Maryville's first measurable snowfall was on October 10th. I do not think it has been below 32 degrees here yet.
We had a BLAST during Parents' Weekend, Ryan! Todd is pumped about maybe going to NW. We enjoyed meeting your friends and look forward to another trip. --Udelhovens