Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Success!

This weekend was a huge success. My goals were to study for a test I had this morning, relax, and run a 5k. I achieved all of my goals this weekend. Friday night my roommates and I made homemade pizza. I was very excited about this as it was something my family did often while I was growing up. One of our friends turned twenty-one so all my roommates and I went and saw him then came home and just hung out. Saturday morning Brady, Hilary, his girlfriend, and I got up and we ran a 5k. None of us had ever ran one, but we did very well considering the circumstances. We then went to the library for most of the afternoon. Saturday night I went and hung out with some friends. It was a pretty uneventful night. Sunday was a day of watching football and studying. I am finally done studying though as I finished my first test of the year. I think I did okay, but I really shouldn't second guess myself as I know I changed some answers that I had right. I am looking forward to a pretty easy week. I am really looking forward to this weekend because my parents are coming up for family weekend!

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